REGROWZ – The Best Hair Growth Treatment – Journey Begins

Hi family: The company Regrowz asked me if I would review their product and of course I said, “Yes with the agreement that my husband could also review the product also!” This is NOT a sponsored video. The Regrowz product was sent to us to review. Regrowz for men and Regrowz for womenβ¦.The 6-month pack. Use my exclusive coupon Code “10caregrowz48” for a coupon discount.
What is said in the video is our honest review and testimonial. This is just an intro to the product and we wanted to show you our starting point and thought it would be great if you wanted to start this journey with us. We will test this for a 6 month period and make update videos at the 3 months and 6-month mark. The reviews on the website and on Youtube are very positive. So we are excited to try this product. Stan is especially excited!!! See you in 3 months.
Now for some information on what the product is exactly and how it actually works.
It’s a naturally-derived remedy that has been passed down through generations. Regrowz has been shown in clinical studies to reduce hair loss in a staggering number of people who used it for just three months.
The origins were founded from the ancient Ayurvedic medicine which is one of the world’s oldest holistic (“whole-body”) healing systems. The principles of this medicine were developed more than 3,000 years ago in India. It’s an all-natural formula consisting of 30+, plant and herbal ingredients. The recipe is specially formulated to prevent, stop and reverse the effects of hereditary hair loss in both men and women.
The treatment contains two different applications the scalp stimulant and the restoration serum.
Opens the pores in areas where you have experienced hair loss and prepares your scalp to receive the Restoration Serum.
The stimulant is free of side effects due to its naturally-sourced ingredients.
The recipe for the Regrowz Restoration Serum has been clinically proven to increase the volume of hair in 100% of subjects following three month’s use. The clinical study also assessed a 39.41% reduction in total hair loss for subjects, with up to 44.90% individual reduction for some participants. Thatβs impressive.
The two-step process begins with the Regrowz Stimulant which cleanses the scalp of the hormone DHT (Dihydrotestosterone). DHT is contained within the sebum, the natural oil produced by the scalp. Secondly, the Regrowz Serum is absorbed by the scalp into the hair bulb inhibiting the same hormone DHT from attaching itself to the cells that produce the hair shaft. Both the Stimulant and Serum have the effect of limiting DHT, which is known to alter and modify the structure of the hair leading to premature hair loss.
Step 1: Apply the Regrowz Scalp Stimulant where there is hair loss. You should apply enough Scalp Stimulant on to the scalp to be able to massage the product over the desired areas. The Scalp Stimulant allows the pores to open up to receive the Restoration Serum. (opens up the pores to receive the serum)
Step 2: Wait 30 minutes before applying the Restoration Serum. Pour a few drops of the solution into the palm of your hand and then evenly apply the serum to the scalp where you have suffered hair loss. It is worth covering some of the existing hair to give this hair further strength and thickness. Massage the solution into your scalp for one minute.
Step 3: Wait a further 30 minutes and then cover your head with a cloth or handkerchief or cover the pillow with a cloth or towel. Leave the solution on until the morning.
Step 4: The following morning, wash off the solution with a mild shampoo.
According to Regrowz…By using the treatment every other day as directed, you will be able to notice positive changes in hair growth and thickening in a matter of three to six months.
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Click here to get yours. REGROWZ Use my exclusive Promo Code 10caregrowz48 to Get 10% off your entire order!
I hope you enjoy the video.
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