How to lose weight and reduce sugar cravings – Berberine Plus with Ceylon Cinnamon!!!!

Today we are going to review Berberine Plus with Ceylon Cinnamon
What is Berberine?
Berberine is a compound found in plants such as Barberry, Oregon grape, Chinese Goldenthread and Goldenseal root and has been documented to have been used in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine as far back as 3000 years. Once it enters your bloodstream, it targets cells on a molecular level, triggering the activation of AMPK (Active PK), an enzyme that is essential to maintaining the energy balance in our cells and protecting their growth and function. This, in turn, regulates how the body uses blood sugar and can help control low blood sugar and related health issues, such as obesity and high cholesterol.
Quick Facts:
– Directly increasing AMPK, stimulating glucose uptake
– Reduces insulin resistance making the hormone more effective
– Helps lower cholesterol and regulates metabolism aiding weight loss
– Ideal for those with low blood sugar, high cholesterol, weight issues
– Improves the immune system by balancing healthy gut bacteria
Berberine and Ceylon Cinnamon possess properties that have been proven to mitigate such risks and combined provide an ultra formula that allows individuals to take more control of their lives and health.
While taking this supplement, I didn’t experience any weight loss. However, I was surprised to not have my usual sugar craving. As for my husband he lost weight, while still eating his normal meals. I wonder if he would have lost more if he paired this supplement with keto or intermittent fasting?
Very pleased with this product overall.
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