Life Vitality Gray Hair Rescind Review

Hi family: Once I reached my year and a half mark. I realized that the blackstrap molasses that I had been using to reverse my graying hair was not going to reverse my hair 100%. It got me to the 90% point and I was okay with that. I had a few gray hairs around my edges. The remainder of my hair was back to my original color which was a deep black. Just in case you didn’t know…Molasses or black treacle is a viscous product resulting from refining sugarcane or sugar beets into sugar. Molasses varies by the amount of sugar, method of extraction, and age of plant. Sugarcane molasses is primarily used for sweetening and flavoring foods in the United States, Canada, and elsewhere.
Which bring us to this blog post! I do get a lot of requests from companies to review their product and at this point, a company by the name of Dr. Vitamin Solutions approached me to review their product called Life Vitality Gray Hair Rescind. I was quite happy using the blackstrap molasses but at the same time. I had just started the keto diet. The new diet was a sugar-free diet/low carb count diet. Keep in mind that one tablespoon of blackstrap molasses contains 16 grams of sugar.
So of course I agreed to try the new product with the condition that my husband also try it. The blackstrap molasses did not work for him. He actually hated the taste of it. Personally, I love the taste. Especially in my decaf coffee! A little about the product….Gray Hair Rescind combines Catalase with other nutrients to stop gray hair from growing and to promote thicker, healthier hair. It also contains saw palmetto to help restrict the production of certain enzymes.
Here are my video reviews! I hope they are helpful to you. Please subscribe to my channel, if I helped you out.
MY GRAY HAIR REVERSAL – UPDATE! Life Vitality Gray Hair Rescind from DR Vitamin Solutions
60 Day Update! Life Vitality Gray Hair Rescind from DR Vitamin Solutions
90 Day Life Vitality GRAY HAIR RESCIND Update!
Life Vitality Gray Hair Rescind verses Wholesome Molasses | Gray hair reversal
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One of my goals of 2019 was to reach a goal/milestone of 10,000 I did that July 2019! Thank you so much for your help with that. My new goal is 20,000 Youtube subscribers for my channel! Please help me achieve this goal by Dec 31, 2020! Please Subscribe to my Youtube Channel and share it also. Thank you so much!
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Business inquires please contact me
I highly recommend Dr. Vitamins Solutions!