Oil Pulling & Black Seed oil!

I have researched the many benefits of oil pulling and decided to give it a try. The most popular benefit is: I can reduce bad breathe. If you are doing a keto diet or any type of fasting. You are no stranger to bad breath.
Oil pulling, also known as “kavala” or “gundusha,” is an ancient Ayurvedic dental technique that involves swishing a tablespoon of oil in your mouth on an empty stomach for around 20 minutes. This action draws out toxins in your body, primarily to improve oral health but also to improve your overall health. It has helped tremendous in helping improve my teeth and gum health.
I have been experimenting with oil pulling and I love it! There are times when I can actually feel the plaque on my teeth and when I do oil pulling. My teeth feel so clean after. I am also a fan of black seed oil. Black seed oil is pressed from the seeds of a flowering shrub, Nigella sativa. The plant is packed with thymoquinone, a compound which may have cancer-fighting powers. In rats, it shrank tumors and slowed their growth as well as protected tissue from radiation damage. I have been using black seed oil for over 3 years. The benefits that I have experienced are weight loss and boosted immunity. I have not had a cold or flu since taking black seed oil. I use it as preventative health and wellness precautions.
Immediately after oil pulling. I brush my teeth. Then take a teaspoon of blackseed oil! This is my new regime.
I hope you enjoyed my video!
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One of my goals of 2019 was to reach a goal/milestone of 10,000 I did that July 2019! Thank you so much for your help with that. My new goal is 20,000 Youtube subscribers for my channel! Please help me achieve this goal by Dec 31, 2019! Please Subscribe to my Youtube Channel and share it also. Thank you so much!
Fave products 2019:
Detox/Constipation Relief
For anxiety and pain
Gray Hair Rescind-Say good bye to gray hair!
PatchMd Multivitamins-No more swallowing pills
Life Vitality Pro Detox
QuickSilver Scientific Keto Before 6-my fave weight loss aid!
Wholesome Black Strap MolassesAMAZON USA
Wholesome Black Strap Molasses AMAZON CANADA
Plantation Molasses AMAZON UK
Black seed oil-cures everything except…
Vision Clarity for Dry Eyes, Cataracts, Allergies
If you are new to my blog, check out day one of the carnivore diet experiment.
If you would like to join me on this experiment, please check with your doctor first. I will be posting on Instagram/lolaslifessons. If you are not on Instagram, comment here: Twitter/IamLola2017 and Youtube/lolaslifelessons Feel free to let me know about your process there.
Business inquires please contact me here: lolaslifelessons@gmail.com
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