What Happened When I Cheated on Keto?

Hi friends:
You saw in Part 1 – I tested to see how fast the Keto Before 6 would get me into ketosis. Now in this video, I wanted to find out if the claims are correct. Can I have a cheat day and still stay in ketosis. My mother in law’s birthday was coming up and I chose that day to test! Not only did I have bread but I had two slices of cake.
In this video, find out if Quicksilver Scientific Keto Before 6 claims are true. If I take a teaspoon of the supplement before my dinner meal, can I have my cake and eat it too while doing the keto diet? Sounds too good to be true but anything is possible.
Please watch Part 1 before watching this video! Quicksilver Scientific Keto Before 6 – Product Review!
Quicksilver Scientific Keto Before 6 is a revolutionary formula that supports the benefits of a ketogenic diet while allowing greater dietary freedom. Keto Before 6 supports a standard keto diet throughout the day with the flexibility to enjoy carbohydrates at dinnertime.
Keto Before 6 rapidly returns the body to ketosis in a matter of hours, rather than weeks. This allows a more well-rounded, sustainable diet that supports a healthy weight, energy production, cognitive performance, and cellular regeneration.
The lipid nanoparticles in this formula offer enhanced absorption, which is critical for enabling the body to move quickly and effectively into a ketogenic state. The best way to test your ketone levels is with a blood ketone meter.
Keto Before 6 is also available in a 500ml bottle.
Click here to get your Keto Before 6 here: https://bit.ly/32hamjG
If you like…Use Promo Code “Save5” to Get 5% off your entire order!
I use Life Vitality MultiMax vitamin. I eat one meal a day. My meal is low carb (keto/carnivore). I don’t always feel like I am eating enough or getting enough essential vitamins and minerals. This is an excellent vitamin. Buy yours here: https://bit.ly/2kGzWOR
If you like…Use Promo Code “Save5” to Get 5% off your entire order!
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If you are new to my blog, check out day one of the carnivore diet experiment.
If you would like to join me on this experiment, please check with your doctor first. I will be posting on Instagram/lolaslifessons. If you are not on Instagram, comment here: Twitter/IamLola2017 and Youtube/lolaslifelessons Feel free to let me know about your process there.
Business inquires please contact me here: lolaslifelessons@gmail.com