MY GRAY HAIR REVERSAL – UPDATE! Life Vitality Gray Hair Rescind

MY GRAY HAIR REVERSAL – UPDATE! Life Vitality Gray Hair Rescind

Hi friends: Many of you have been asking me to do a gray hair update video! You even ask me to do this on videos that have nothing to do with gray hair!

Ok, so it’s time to do an update for you all. Just a small back story! I did a gray hair reversal challenge 2 years ago. I did that challenge for 1 year. I used blackstrap molasses to reverse my graying hair. I wanted to find out if the claims were correct. My experiment revealed that molasses caused my gray hair to revert back to its natural color.

I took 2 tablespoons of black molasses for 1 year! I made youtube videos documenting my journey.

The blackstrap molasses did work for me. However, it took a really long time. I am now on a weight loss journey and my diet no longer allows for these carbs.

I am now using another product called Gray Hair Rescind with Catalase. It is a Life Vitality product for the Dr. Vitamin Solutions company.

My husband is also on this new journey of weight loss and gray hair reversal with me. Be sure to check out my video to find out if this new product worked for us. All that I can say is…we are really happy with it!

I have started to use Life Vitality MultiMax vitamin also. I eat one meal a day. My meal is low carb (keto/carnivore). I don’t always feel like I am eating enough or getting enough essential vitamins and minerals. This is an excellent vitamin. Buy yours here:

I hope you enjoy the video.

Thank you all for your love and support.


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One of my goals of 2019 was to reach a goal/milestone of 10,000 I did that July 2019! Thank you so much for your help with that. My new goal is 20,0000 Youtube subscribers for my channel! Please help me achieve this goal by Dec 31, 2019! Please Subscribe to my Youtube Channel and share it also. Thank you so much!

If you are new to my blog, check out day one of the carnivore diet experiment.

If you would like to join me on this experiment, please check with your doctor first. I will be posting on Instagram/lolaslifessons. If you are not on Instagram, comment here: Twitter/IamLola2017 and Youtube/lolaslifelessons Feel free to let me know about your process there.
Business inquires please contact me here:

I highly recommend Dr. Vitamins Solutions!