First Perfectly Imperfect Unboxing Video! – Hamilton Beach 5-in-1 Indoor Grill!

Hi family: I present to you my very first unboxing video! Of course, it is not perfect. The next video will be smoother.
You can find the grill here: Amazon US-
You guys keep asking. So here is my wish list! My Amazon Wishlist also feel free to visit my Amazon Influencer Store!
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One of my goals of 2019 was to reach a goal/milestone of 10,000 I did that July 2019! Thank you so much for your help with that. My new goal is 20,000 Youtube subscribers for my channel! Please help me achieve this goal by Dec 31, 2020! Please Subscribe to my Youtube Channel and share it also. Thank you so much!
Fave products 2020:
Detox/Constipation Relief
For anxiety and pain
Gray Hair Rescind-Say good bye to gray hair!
PatchMd Multivitamins-No more swallowing pills
Life Vitality Pro Detox
QuickSilver Scientific Keto Before 6-my fave weight loss aid!
Wholesome Black Strap MolassesAMAZON USA
Wholesome Black Strap Molasses AMAZON CANADA
Plantation Molasses AMAZON UK
Black seed oil-cures everything except…
Vision Clarity for Dry Eyes, Cataracts, Allergies
Nutri-Spec Immune Power Prebiotic+Probiotic
Business inquires please contact me