Sea Salt Water Flush! Can you lose 10 lbs in 4 hours? 😱

Hi family: I have been seeing so many videos about the sea salt water flush. So I thought I’d give it a try. I wanted to know if the following…Can you lose 10lbs in 4 hours as many claime?
I hope you enjoyed my video! Saltwater flushes are used to treat constipation, bloating, and to detoxify the colon during a juice fast or similar cleansing program. During detox programs, such as juicing, toxins are pulled into the colon and require removal, which can be done with a saltwater flush. Drinking salt and warm water has a laxative effect. It usually causes urgent bowel movements within 30 minutes to an hour, although it may take longer.
Can a salt water flush help you lose weight? Some believe that a salt water flush can relieve constipation, reduce bloating, or cleanse the colon. … According to some sources, a salt water flush may help with weight loss, release of fluid retention, or an improvement in digestion.
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Please read:
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If you are new to my blog, check out day one of the carnivore diet experiment.
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