Does dry fasting heal loose skin?

Does dry fasting heal loose skin?

Hi family: Does dry fasting heal loose skin? According to the Cole Robinsons snake diet, “There is nothing worse than losing a ton of weight only to have rolls of loose skin hanging like curtains. Loose skin is a common by-product of weight loss. Many people who follow the Snake Diet ask whether rapid weight loss versus slow weight loss will affect the amount of loose skin you will have afterward. I am here to say that rapid weight loss won’t do anything different than slow weight loss when fasting.

When you are overweight fat tissue pushes against the skin making it tight. When you lose weight and fat cells get burned as fuel the void will cause your skin to hang because there is no longer the same amount of fat and excess tissue taking up the space.

When you fast your body does a number of things that actually help tighten your skin after you lose weight. First fasting ramps up your human growth hormone and this is crucial to the maintenance and development of lean muscle mass and bone density. So when you combine fasting with exercise you can actually build lean mass from old tissue. This brings us to our second point. Our body is an amazing recycling system. As you fast your body begins to break down old or damaged cells and then determines whether they will be flushed out through the kidneys or used as recycled components in the generation of new cells. This is known as autophagy. There are a number of articles talking about autophagy and the benefits it has on the body.” In this video, I wanted to test out Cole’s statement. Notice how much my skin has tightened in this video without exercise. This is an excellent example of what dry fasting can do.

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Check out my video! 4 DAY DRY FAST (INSANE RESULTS) – Watch me shrink! – 14.4 POUNDS | NO EXERCISE!

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