Day 18 of 365 | The Carnivore Diet Experiment!

Day 18 of 365 | The Carnivore Diet Experiment!

Hi friends: It’s day 18 of 365 of the carnivore diet experiment! Today I was involved in a conversation about why diets fail. I think that one of the primary reasons why diets fail is because when people are doing a particular diet they don’t feel satisfied with what they are eating and how much. For example, when I was doing the keto diet. I never felt ok about the food choices. I wanted to eat carbs. However, this keto diet opposes high carb intake. Also, the rules about the breakdown of macros (60-75% of calories from fat (or even more), 15-30% of calories from protein, and 5-10% of calories from carbs). Counting the calories and the macros was insane to me. So I ended up doing a lazy form of keto. Meaning I ate intuitively and I just didn’t count calories or macros.

When I followed the conventional 6 meals per day model, I survived on a couple hundred calories every few hours. Now, this was very difficult to maintain. It took up so much of my time. The counting calories and the constant preparation of meals.

At the end of the day, I just never felt satisfied. I felt like I was missing something. Ironically, eating meat once per day solves this problem for me. The fasting throughout the day seems to be a very powerful appetite suppressant, along with apple cider vinegar and black seed oil. When I have my massive meal at dinner, I feel β€œstuffed” every single night. I’m feeling great about the carnivore diet choice!

Today’s dinner was steak!

Check out my flashback video! 30-day carnivore challenge video! Just in case you missed it. The truth about the carnivore diet!

If you would like to join me on this experiment, please check with your doctor first. I will be posting on Instagram/lolaslifessons. If you are not on Instagram, comment here: Twitter/IamLola2017 and Youtube/lolaslifelessons Feel free to let me know about your process there.